In 1935, the EKO company, led by its founder Bohumír Rakušan, D.Sc., MPharm., pioneered the production of extracts from plant and animal tissues for pharmacological use. His aim was to develop the safest possible immunomodulators, drawing inspiration from traditional Chinese medicine. This groundbreaking research became known as the “RTN Program.”

Products such as Floristen, Silexil, Retisin, and Lyastin underwent extensive clinical trials, demonstrating efficacy across multiple therapeutic indications. These preparations were later approved for prescription use in former Czechoslovakia.

Floristen - anti-inflammatory, venous and gynecological conditions, pancreatitis, stroke recovery

Retisin - palliative support in cancer treatment, anabolic effects

Lyastin - tissue trophic improvement, frostbite, Buerger’s disease

Silexil - originally for arthrosis treatment

Under the communist regime, EKO was nationalized, but Dr. Rakušan and his team continued their work under the government-owned SPOFA enterprise, the EKO division. For 17 years, RTN preparations were produced and widely used in public healthcare. Despite their documented efficacy and widespread use, RTN preparations were removed from the pharmacopeia due to shifting medical policies.

Between 2003 and 2018, we have seen the positive effects of RTN preparations through laboratory analyses with outsourced custom manufacturing. These findings confirmed the historical data and encouraged us to resume development with a focus on modern applications.

The original RTN preparations are available again, derived from bio-certified raw materials, offering a unique synergy of biomolecules natural to the human body. Today, we aim to standardize these products to meet modern pharmaceutical standards while ensuring their safety and efficacy. 

To ensure quality, we established dedicated production facilities for Retisin and Lyastin and we use Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s Wort) from organic farmland within a protected landscape area, ensuring BIO certification. This guarantees the purity and sustainability of all of our raw materials. Thanks to the historical research and integration of QA principles/IoT and automation, GMP/HACCP standards, and modern analytical methods, we can offer state-of-the-art natural dietary supplements. Our mission is to refine these products for standardized therapeutic use, offering the natural answer to aging and chronic diseases.

Currently, our randomized, double-blind studies explore the role of RTN preparations in treating chronic degenerative diseases. Participation in private trials is mandatory for patients combining RTN with other medications to ensure proper dosage and administration.

Společnost EkoRTN s.r.o., IČO: 077 29 821, zapsaná u Městského soudu v Praze, spisová značka C 305462/MSPH, je jako řízená osoba součástí koncernu řízeného Singularis Private Trust, svěřenský fond, jako řídící osobou. Toto oznámení je činěno v souladu s ustanovením § 79 odst. 3 zákona č. 90/2012 Sb., o obchodních korporacích, v platném znění.

 © 2018 - 2024 EkoRTN s.r.o. |  provozuje Evymo s.r.o.